Top 12 habits will avoid you from disease - 2021

12 bad habits will avoid  you from disease

Today i will discuss about bad habits avoid you from dissase. These bad habits for student, man, women and children. In this post i will also discuss about - how to stop a bad habit permanently.

Stop your bad habits addictions 2021

How to stop bad habits from disease 2021
Top 12 bad habits will avoid  you from disease - 2021

There is nobody who does not want a sound health. A fresh mind lives in a sound health. So the Significance of soundness is unbounding.

But in this era, the air, soil and water of our environment are polluted Dangerously. So the chance is of having a good health is very low.

But we can try our level best by maintaining some good habits and having a healthy diet. Now I will give you some points on good habits and diet food.

Top 12 Habits will avoid you from disease

  1. Non-Smoking
  2. Non-Alcoholic Life
  3. Maintain A Healthy Weight
  4. A Healthy Diet Chart
  5. Healthy BreakFast
  6. Healthy Lunch
  7. Healthy Dinner
  8. Cut Nails
  9. Necessary Sleep
  10. Proper Use The Light OF The Sun
  11. Avoid Fast Food
  12. Exercise

#1: Non-smoking Life

Science says,"Smoking is injurious for our health". The habit of smoking causes lung cancer. Smoking in a closed room is more dangerous. For that he will get attacked by cancer more quickly.

Smoking causes many fatal diseases like cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis etc. Cigarettes are an intoxicating thing which makes a man a chain smoker. The smoke of cigarettes can harm other man, woman and kids. So if we want a sound health, we have to make a non-smoking life.

#2 : Non-Alcoholic Life

Drinking a lot of alcohol is also a bad habit. It can cause abnormal activation. It also can cause cancer. Alcohol effects on our body and brain. Liver can also badly effect by alcohol. It has also many side effects. So we should not drink alcohol to lead a healthy life.

#3 : Maintain a healthy weight

The first agreement for a sound health is a healthy weight. But the question is "Which is the perfect weight for my body?".

The answer of the question is difficult because the weight varies with age. An adult's weight should be 50-70 KG. But the perfect weight is 60 KG. Too much or too less weight is not good for our health.

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#4 : A healthy diet chart

A healthy life fully depends on a healthy diet chart. We know that there are six major nutrients of food that is divided in six categories.

They are Carbohydrates, Protein, Vitamin, fat, water and minerals. Each plays important roles in our every function of our body. We should take all these nutrients from our break-fast, lunch and dinner. 

#5 : Healthy break-fast

People usually eat bread with jam or jelly, toast, milk, boiled egg or omelet and fruits etc. in break-fast. It is a perfect model of healthy break-fast.

From here our body will get carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamin because these foods contain carbohydrates, protein, fat and vitamin.

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#6 : Healthy lunch

People usually eat rice, chicken curry, vegetables, lentil etc. in lunch. It is a perfect model of healthy lunch.

From here our body will get carbohydrates, Protein, vitamin, minerals and water because these foods contain carbohydrates, Protein, vitamin, minerals and water. People usually eat heavy food in lunch.

#7 : Healthy dinner

People usually eat normal food in dinner. They used to eat those foods which made for lunch. After taking dinner some people like to eat dessert like cake, sweets. From here their body will get carbohydrates and fat.

The other name of water is life. We should take a liter of water every day. Before taking break-fast, lunch and dinner and after woke up we should drink water. We should not drink water when we are eating something.

#8 : Cut your nails in every week

Most of our work is done by our hands. So the nails of our hands become dirty. When we eat something the dust of the nail goes to our stomach and we become ill. For this reason we must cut our nails in every week.

#9 : Necessary sleep

'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise'. We all know this common proverb. Sleep is very important to lead a sound life.

We need should sleep minimum of 8 hours. At this time our brain gets rest. We can't pay attention at any work if we don't sleep minimum for 8 hours.

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#10 : Proper use the light of the sun

Our body gets vitamin D from the light of sun when the sun is just rising. But from the sunlight we can be affected by skin cancer when the sun is over our head. So we should be careful.

#11 : Avoid fast food

Fast food is not good for our health because this type of food contains so much fat.

#12 : Exercise

Exercise is very important to lead a sound life. Exercise keeps our bodies fit and energetic. We should play games like football, cricket etc. 

If we can maintain those good habits we will be able to lead a healthy life.

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Jonny Richards

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